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Yeon Hana (연 한아, Yeon Hahn-Ah) is the Head of the Yeon Family.

Appearance and Personality

Hana is known to be the most beautiful among the 10 Family Heads.[1]

Despite sometimes being suspected of being a misandrist, Hana actually has a gentle personality (which is very rare among the 10 Family Heads) and treats both men and women kindly.[1] Though she has a gentle personality, Yeon Hana is "the scariest woman when angry" according to the 10 Family Heads. It is said that when angered once, she surpassed Ha Yurin who was famous for having a terrible personality, but this is impossible to confirm at the present time in which the 10 Family Heads are not active in public.[1]


Although she is the Family Head, there is not a single child in the Yeon Family who has received her blood. All children of the Yeon Family are the sons and daughters of "Ilarde", who is an old fellow family member (권속, gwonsok; 眷屬) of Hana.[1] Yeon Hana herself is a virgin who has never embraced a man. According to a rumour, she could not forget a man whom she broke up with a long time ago, so she made a contract with a Guardian to become a "female that cannot feel love towards the opposite sex".[1]

Her fellow family member Ilarde gives birth to and raises her children in her stead, so the children of the Yeon Family all call Ilarde "godmother".[1]



Zahard Empire
Military & Government
King of The Tower
Royal Guards
Arvin LouTommyRobert AisandPan • Bird-Masked Man
Zahard Family
Yeon HanaYeon IlardeYeon YihwaYeon WoonNoma
Special Families
‎‎Devote to Zahard
ZahardEnryuEvan EdrokPhantaminumMolic One P. GREurasia BlossomGrace Mirchea LuslecBaek RyunKhun EduanHa YurinUrek MazinoAugusgusAri HanHa Yuri ZahardArie HonHendo Lok BloodmadderArie Hagipherione ZahardKhun Maschenny ZahardAdori ZahardYeon HanaHa JinsungPo Bidau GustangEurasia Enne ZahardEvankhellJoochunMadoracoGaram ZahardHeice ZahardQuadradoGrand De JahGrand De SahKhun Marco AsensioYolkerWhiteElpathionHa CheonheeDorian FrogKhul Nissam KayAri Bright SharonKhun Royale ElliotBaylord YamaKallavanCanzonGadoBaylord PaulBaylord DoomKhel HellamNyono WanBerdychSoo-ohLo Po Bia YasratchaLo Po Bia FucileLo Po Bia TraumereiDowonChaLo Po Bia Ha SatchaLo Po Bia HaratchaKendrick DielMcCageSophia TanPo Bidau Lyborick KhunKhun Hynd LuchLo Po Bia DokokoArlen GraceVLo Po Bia LefavKaraka2nd Floor Unnamed RulerTu Perie TperieUnnamed Three Mouthed GiantLo Po Bia YorayoAriaUnnamed Black Skin Division CommanderLo Po Bia Whitegarment WidowLo Po Bia YorariLo Po Bia PudidyLo Po Bia PerseusLo Po Bia KirinLo Po Bia KukokoLo Po Bia LedodoLo Po Bia ElbabaLo Po Bia HolanLo Po Bia LobadonLo Po Bia GoruroLo Po Bia UmtitiPo Bidau GuiscardPo Bidau ProustPo Bidau ErnoPo Bidau HugoPo Bidau RuiniPo Bidau DumasLo Po Bia JuLo Po Bia TumpLo Po Bia WuiwuiLo Po Bia RashutPo Bidau KirPo Bidau RichemontLo Po Bia KatanLo Po Bia KukudaPo Bidau MichelLo Po Bia PerperPo Bidau VaraneLo Po Bia PokokoGarnakUnnamed Po Bidau