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Tower of God Wiki

Khun Hynd Luch (쿤 하인드 루치, Kun Haindeu Luchi) is a High Ranker from the Khun Family. His position is Spear Bearer.[2] He is currently the Commander of the 4th Division of 4th Army Corp of Zahard's Army under Po Bidau Lyborick Khun chain of command.[1]

Appearance and Personality[]

Hynd luch profile 1

Khun Luch is a tall man with long light blue hair and blue eyes, with pale skin. He also has slightly pointed ears. In the flashback when he was still with FUG and Hidden Grove, he wears a long sleeves blue shirt with black abstract motif and dark grey pants.

After joining the army, he wears a black uniform, black sandals and a blue necklace.

He seems to be a womanizer since he approached Unnamed Commander 1 despite knowing there is a rule in the army that prohibited a male to approach a female companion.

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Unlike any other Hidden Grove members, Khun Luch is from the Khun Family, one of the 10 Great Families which is an ally of the Zahard Empire and Zahard himself during the Age of Genesis, but somehow, he joined FUG and was assigned a member of the Hidden Grove team along with Cha, Dowon, Taro York, Toro and three other unnamed members. During the long war of the Age of Genesis, the Hidden Grove team quickly gained popularity as one of the best teams that emerged during the war after they successfully killed the direct descendants of the previous generation of the 10 Great Families.[2] It was revealed later, that the reason for his action to join FUG, was simply a rebellious act for fun and adventures, playing bad guys for thrilling adrenaline. He knew that no matter how much they try, they could never change the Tower, so he was prepared to exit or withdraw if things got too dangerous. But nevertheless, he enjoyed his journeys and grow to love his friends in the Hidden Grove. Luch never really intended to betrayed Zahard and his empire.

</gallery> However, after Cha and Dowon were sealed away, the rest of the Hidden Grove members was enraged and decided to take revenge by joining forces with Team Khel Hellam and planned to ambush King Zahard directly while he was asleep. Luch secretly opposed that dangerous plan, thinking that they could never hope to beat Zahard. But in the end, he really can't stop his friends who were consumed and blinded by rage. In his desperate attempts to save all his friends in the Hidden Grove team from their inevitable death, Luch contacted his Khun's Family relative, Po Bidau Lyborick Khun after he found out that Lyborick is an elite member in Zahard's Army and told him everything about FUG's plan to assassinate Zahard in exchange to spare the lives of his friends from the Hidden Grove. When the day to assault Zahard finally arrived, Luch followed Lyborick's instruction and guided his friends from the Hidden Grove to take a different route from Khel Hellam's team. Luch initially thought his friends will be captured temporarily. But to Luch's surprise, Lyborick was waiting for them personally with a giant spear.[3] Although Lyborick ensured their survival, he refused to release the Hidden Grove members and kept them, hostages, for a very long time. Lyborick then uses the hostages to threaten Luch and make him do many dirty jobs.[4]

Tower of God: Part 3[]

The Wall with a Sleeping Forget-Me-Not[]

Three Months before Dowon was sealed, Khun Luch, together with Taro & York was being chased by the Ancient Odd-Eyed Giant Cobra, one of the 23 special beasts of Lo Po Bia Family which was controlled by the 8th son of the Lo Po Bia Family Head. Dowon managed to slow down the giant cobra with her Flower Garden skill before Cha finally came to their aid along with Toro and one other member.

458 khel hellam attack team

The rest of Hidden Grove members join Khel Hellam to fight Zahard

The 8th son then revealed his real intention in front of all members of the Hidden Grove team that were present at the time, stated that he was sent to deliver a special message to Dowon that she had to surrender to be sealed at the Wall of Peaceful Coexistence. After hearing the message, all of them decided to end the fight with the snake and returns to their team's warship.[5] With both leaders (Cha and Dowon) was sealed, the Hidden Grove team was disbanded. The rest of the Hidden Grove team members then joined the Khel Hellam's special attack team which aim to fight Zahard directly on the battlefield. Khel was so confident to attack Zahard because he believes they can win the fight after Khel received the power to see fate. Zahard who also has the ability to see fate already knew everything about Khel's plan. Zahard then intentionally let Khel's attack team to easily push through into the battlefield and meet him directly. In the end, all of them were defeated, and all members, except Khel Hellam, was captured or killed.[6]

The Nest[]

Kallavan and Dowon boarded a small Floating Ship and head straight into The Nest. Khun Hynd Luch was seen to observe their arrival inside the floating ship of 4th Division. Turns out, he's still alive and now choose to side with Zahard's Army.[1] He is the traitor inside the Hidden Grove team that Soo-oh previously mentioned.[6]

Later, an Unnamed Commander 1 was seen to briefing Khun Luch about the order to stay alert and the current situation and preparation of the Zahard's Army within The Nest. Luch then stands up from his seat, walk towards the commander and then asked her if she wants to be his guide to help him explain the inner map of his warship because he was newly assigned to the current 4th Army Corp under the command of Po Bidau Lyborick Khun.[7]

Powers and Abilities[]

He has what appears to be a bow in his right hand and given that he is a Spear Bearer it can be assumed that he shoots spears with the bow.[2] However, as shown during the flashbacks of his past and during his last operation during the Battle of The Nest, Luch has shown to be capable of producing powerful blasts of Lightning like energy, implying that he possesses the typical Khun Family trait of Jeonsulsa. Having being shown to hold an important role as Division Commander in Zahard's Army and a member of Hidden Grove implied that Luch was extremely powerful and skilled.


  • (To himself) "Ready for battle? Ha! Who the heck do they expect to attack this place? The war is over. The Ten Great Family leaders and Zahard have complete control over the tower. The only possible threats are The Workshop or Wolhaiksong, and they don't care what's going on in the tower. In a situation like this, no one would be crazy enough to challenge Zahard."[8]
  • (Thinking about Hidden Grove team before sacrifice himself) "Sorry, everyone. For me, this journey with you all has been like a dangerous but exciting brief act of rebellion. Our adventure together was really fun and thrilling. But as a member of the Ten Families, I'd always felt like I was different from you guys. It's true I was somewhat immersed in the role assigned to me by the Hidden Grove. But unlike you guys, I've always been well aware that the world never changes, no matter how hard you try. That's why I planned on gracefully bowing out someday when things got too dangerous. That's why it was just a casual act of rebellion for me. But after the war deepened, and you guys were sealed away, the situation suddenly changed. In order to get revenge, the enraged members of the Hidden Grove started to come up with a plan with FUG to attack Lord Zahard. Meanwhile, I thought to myself I've gotta get out of here. There's no way we could ever beat Lord Zahard!! I thought about trying to stop the members of the Hidden Grove. But there was no way for me to calm their rage. So I was determined to save them."[9]
  • (Thinking about Hidden Grove team before sacrifice himself) "Sorry, everyone. I'm sorry for being weak. I'm sorry for being so pathetic. I just wanted to be with you guys. How did everything end up like this? If I had known this was how things would turn out, I would've tried to enjoy my time with you more. Why was I get so damn full of myself? If I could go back in time, I would throw everything away to stay with you all. Why am I so full of regret and struggling to fix everything now that it's all ruined? I'm sorry, guys. I just want to rest now."[10]


Notes and Trivia[]

  • Hynd could be named after footballer Gabriel Heinze


Zahard Empire
Military & Government
King of The Tower
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Arvin LouTommyRobert AisandPan • Bird-Masked Man
Zahard Family
Special Families
‎‎Devote to Zahard
ZahardEnryuEvan EdrokPhantaminumMolic One P. GREurasia BlossomGrace Mirchea LuslecBaek RyunKhun EduanHa YurinUrek MazinoAugusgusAri HanHa Yuri ZahardArie HonHendo Lok BloodmadderArie Hagipherione ZahardKhun Maschenny ZahardAdori ZahardYeon YirangHa JinsungPo Bidau GustangEurasia Enne ZahardEvankhellJoochunMadoracoGaram ZahardHeice ZahardQuadradoGrand De JahGrand De SahKhun Marco AsensioYolkerWhiteElpathionHa CheonheeDorian FrogKhul Nissam KayAri Bright SharonKhun Royale ElliotBaylord YamaKallavanCanzonGadoBaylord PaulBaylord DoomKhel HellamNyono WanBerdychSoo-ohLo Po Bia YasratchaLo Po Bia FucileLo Po Bia TraumereiDowonChaLo Po Bia Ha SatchaLo Po Bia HaratchaKendrick DielMcCageSophia TanPo Bidau Lyborick KhunKhun Hynd LuchLo Po Bia DokokoArlen GraceVLo Po Bia LefavKaraka2nd Floor Unnamed RulerTu Perie TperieUnnamed Three Mouthed GiantLo Po Bia YorayoAriaUnnamed Black Skin Division CommanderLo Po Bia Whitegarment WidowLo Po Bia YorariLo Po Bia PudidyLo Po Bia PerseusLo Po Bia KirinLo Po Bia KukokoLo Po Bia LedodoLo Po Bia ElbabaLo Po Bia LobadonLo Po Bia GoruroLo Po Bia UmtitiPo Bidau GuiscardPo Bidau ProustPo Bidau ErnoPo Bidau HugoPo Bidau RuiniPo Bidau DumasLo Po Bia JuLo Po Bia TumpLo Po Bia WuiwuiLo Po Bia RashutPo Bidau KirPo Bidau RichemontLo Po Bia KatanLo Po Bia KukudaPo Bidau MichelLo Po Bia PerperPo Bidau VaraneLo Po Bia PokokoGarnakUnnamed Po BidauPo Bidau Tiara
AiHwa RyunYuto
Unknown Position
Unknown Position
PhantaminumAnak Zahard (Original)Alphid ZahardMolic One P. GRAugusgusMs. Ice StrawberryMs. Ice Strawberry's PartnerYujeNomaJoochunYunie ZahardRebecca Pon ZahardHeice ZahardYuram ZahardArie Hagipherione ZahardPondo ZahardAn ZahardBaylord YamaImortFUG RankerAri HanWhitePokenHa RudaLo Po Bia PorpQuadradoGrand De JahGrand De SahRed BrubyaTinker YolcheKnife (Ranker)H-23Ha CheonheeMisebichiHollyGrommDeath BirdKhul Nissam KayDeath KarambitJayKhun Royale ElliotPowlerWater JellyPephomemore SetoCanzonGadoCuldenBaylord PaulBaylord DoomKhel HellamVentiTallGrandeRed HornAshul EdwaruFluxRMuleBerdychFUG Ranker 2Unnamed Po BidauKahlerLo Po Bia FucileTinker RocheR's TwinTu RahTonkiDaleetKhaneLo Po Bia Ha SatchaLo Po Bia HaratchaNanatonaPanMr. NeonbagArlen GraceV2nd Floor Unnamed RulerLo Po Bia YorayoYellowUnnamed Three Mouthed GiantAriaUnnamed Black Skin Division CommanderGreen Hair ServantLo Po Bia SicariusLo Po Bia Whitegarment WidowLo Po Bia YorariLobiBaylord Wang WangLo Po Bia KukokoLo Po Bia LedodoNen NeyaPo Bidau BellerirHelmet ServantPo Bidau TiaraPo Bidau GuiscardPo Bidau HugoPo Bidau RuiniPo Bidau NubilsLo Po Bia KatanLo Po Bia KukudaPo Bidau MichelPo Bidau VaraneGarnak
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