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I met someone who will make my dream come true while I was fighting to gain more power. King Zahard. The one true king, an omnipotent and omniscient being. I'm going to use this power to make everyone surrender to the king. Whoever stands in the way of my utopia will simply be destroyed!

—Kallavan To Ha Jinsung.[2]

Kallavan (칼라반, Calaban) is a High Ranker and was formerly the Corps Commander of the 4th Army Corp of Zahard's Army[3] before he was replaced by the new Corps Commander Po Bidau Lyborick Khun. Kallavan was heavily demoted out of military rank due to his failure on the Battle of The Last Station to kill the Irregular, Twenty-Fifth Baam. He was the main antagonist of the Last Station (Arc).

After he completed his mission at the Wall of Peaceful Coexistence by convincing the war hero Dowon to join Zahard's Army, Kallavan was restored to the 4th Army Corps as a Company Commander. [4]

After witnessing the defeat of his army and their pointless deaths in the battle at the first wall of The Nest, Kallavan is seeking out Po Bidau Lyborick Khun, to kill him and reclaim his position as the Army Corps Commander once again.[5]


During his great journey, he fought all kinds of great warriors and made them bow before him. He takes anyone he likes to be his servant and force them to work for him, creating a huge army of followers in the process, hence he is called the 'Human Hunter'.[1]

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Ari Bright Sharon temporally took the fisherman role because the commander was not present at the time. This implies Kallavan is normally the Fisherman.[6]
  • He was called 'Human Collector' by Yu Han Sung. This is not a mistranslation.[7]
  • His name might be a reference to footballer Ragnar Klavan.
  • His name might originate from the Filipino word "kalaban" which means enemy, foe, opponent, etc. 
  • The fight between Kallavan and Ha Jinsung is a great battle of two High Rankers, to be recorded in the history of the Tower.[8]
  • His character concept is a young German soldier with a goal that he is willing to fulfil blindly.[9]
  • SIU has stated that he personally wanted to give Kallavan more of a sense of being an elite military officer as a twist. He knows Ha Jinsung from before, but there's an age gap. Kallavan is a character who has multiple layers to his true intentions. He's strong and perhaps scary.[10]
  • Kallavan is a counter to the Ha Family. His body is already well-trained, but his source of power isn't simply physical strength either.[8]
  • Kallavan is much younger than Ha Jinsung.[11]
  • Since Kallavan was someone who respected Ha Jinsung, his feelings on Baam are probably mixed. But as a Corps Commander of Zahard's Army, Irregulars are his biggest enemy. Technically, Urek would be priority number one. But he's too strong and doesn't care about Zahard.[12]



  • (To himself while playing piano) "Rhapsody... What an appropriate piece for this mission."[3]
  • (To Ha Jinsung) "We are trying to stop an even greater rift in the Tower. Whatever anyone says, this mission will go down in history as a great epic. Sacrificing the lives of a few people on the train to stop a war, it may seem sinister and brutal, but this is the best way to prevent an even worse disaster."[13]
  • (To Ha Jinsung) "Has it been so long that you have forgotten? My body is way tougher than you people from the Ha family. When you are around me, your advantages as a member of the Ha family disappear. You had better brace yourself for a whole new world of pain."[13]
  • (To Ha Jinsung while fighting him) "Why would someone as powerful as you side with the forces of evil and go around picking on Regulars?! Do you still believe in that ridiculous idea of a new world or change?! Don't you know this kind of upheaval happens all the time?! Change is just the seed of pain and conflict!"[14]
  • (To Baam) "I can tell right away. You must be the Irregular that King Zahard told us to kill."[15]
  • (Talking about Ha Jinsung to Baam) "I told you he is dead. And even he was alive, you can't save him. Because you are too weak."[15]
  • (To Ha Yuri Zahard) "With that attack just now, are you admitting you are a traitor, Princess?"[16]
  • (To Baam) "You seem to have some 'Mysterious Power' but it's too much for you to handle. You didn't even manage to make a little scratch on me. How disappointing."[16]
  • (To Evankhell) "You are not even with FUG. Why are you protecting those Regulars? One of the Top-Hundreds High Rankers shouldn't be interested in some Regulars."[16]
  • (Thinking about Baam to himself) "I was foolish. I was curious to see how much potential that boy has that I give him time to escape. This is an unacceptable mistake for an Army Corps Commander of Zahard's Army."[16]


  • (To himself) "...The Walls of Peaceful Coexistence... Coexistence is no more than a seed of chaos. It can't bring about peace. Those fools opposing King Zahard... Sure came up with a stupid name for their wall. I just can't wait... to tear down that stupid wall."[17]
  • (Talking about Dowon to the resident of Wall of Peaceful Coexistence) "Leaving politics aside. She once put her own life on the line to fight for your ancestors. Disgracing a hero who sacrified themselves in battle is absolutely inexcusable. Get lost!!'"[18]
  • (To Tonki) "Impressive. I can tell you've been doing this for a while. I used to have to guard something too, so I get it. The human will can remain surprisingly unchanged almost indefinitely. But everything has to come to and end eventually. I respect your determination, so I'll give you my best shot with my right arm."[19]
  • (Talking about Dowon to Khane) "Peace? That's impossible. Your sister is a warrior. Anyone who wakes her up is after her power. The only way for the warriors to find peace is when they die. No matter when she wakes up as soon as she's awake, she'll head off to battle. She was destined for it."[20]
  • (To Karaka after stopping his White Crow) "Nice. But you're not nearly as strong as your master. You can't hurt me with these little attacks. I can't believe you're even thinking of going after the King with such pathetic skills. Your master once offered me a Slayer position. But I refused. Because that title creates fake Gods. Slayers are Gods of evil who feed off their hatred towards the King. They only exist because of the King. Mr. Ha Jinsung is using his hatred as an excuse to create fake Gods. Someone once told me you can't be killed. You just keep coming back to life. So I won't kill you. I'm gonna cut you up into pieces and take you with me. I'll show everyone how pathetic and weak you Slayers really are."[21]
  • (To Viole while fighting him at The Nest) "I knew you'd come running to him. I can't believe you'd risk all those people's lives just to save one person. You're such a fool, Jyu Viole Grace. Some people in FUG may think you've got what it takes to be the greatest King since Zahard. But you're not like him at all. You've got no right to be King. If someone as easily shaken as you ever took power, it would only add to the chaos in this world. That's why I'm just gonna finish you off right now!!"[22]
  • (Talking about Zahard to Viole while fighting him) "The life of a King is a heavy responsibility. It means having everyone beneath you serve and worship you. King Zahard is different from you. He sees everyone aside from himself and the Ten Great Family Leaders as completely equal, so he doesn't care if he loses a few of his subjects. Unlike you, he doesn't let himself get distracted from the big picture. He's solemn and serene. You can't be unique like him. You're just an ordinary person with no right to have anyone sacrifice their life for you!!"'[22]
  • (Talking about Zahard's Army/4th Corp to Po Bidau Lyborick Khun) "Lord Zahard is the only one I owe my loyalty to. And I don't intend to leave the army corps either. But I can't just stand by and watch a commander who is willing to throw away the lives of his subordinates for his own gains. Sitting in a seat he doesn't deserve. You're not worthy of respect as a soldier. You will ruin this unit one day."[23]
  • (To Lyborick while fighting him) "My aim's never been that great. I didn't expect to hit you anyway. My talent is actually.. Crushing things!"[23]
  • (Talking about his subordinates to Lyborick) "You don't have to go easy on me. I came here to avenge my subordinates. In fact I feel relieved not that I've confirmed my opponent is strong enough to deserve respect. The dead ones wouldn't want this revenge to be too easy either. I'll crush you with all my might..!!'"[23]
  • (To Lyborick, after being attacked by his Water Vapor) "I appreciate that. I tried not to show it, but like you said, I did get drained from the repeated battles. Thanks to your attack.. I feel fully recovered now. No.. Since you helped unleash this power, I might've leveled up a notch!!"[24]



Zahard Empire
Military & Government
King of The Tower
Royal Guards
Arvin LouTommyRobert AisandPan • Bird-Masked Man
Zahard Family
Special Families
‎‎Devote to Zahard
ZahardEnryuEvan EdrokPhantaminumMolic One P. GREurasia BlossomGrace Mirchea LuslecBaek RyunKhun EduanHa YurinUrek MazinoAugusgusAri HanHa Yuri ZahardArie HonHendo Lok BloodmadderArie Hagipherione ZahardKhun Maschenny ZahardAdori ZahardYeon YirangHa JinsungPo Bidau GustangEurasia Enne ZahardEvankhellJoochunMadoracoGaram ZahardHeice ZahardQuadradoGrand De JahGrand De SahKhun Marco AsensioYolkerWhiteElpathionHa CheonheeDorian FrogKhul Nissam KayAri Bright SharonKhun Royale ElliotBaylord YamaKallavanCanzonGadoBaylord PaulBaylord DoomKhel HellamNyono WanBerdychSoo-ohLo Po Bia YasratchaLo Po Bia FucileLo Po Bia TraumereiDowonChaLo Po Bia Ha SatchaLo Po Bia HaratchaKendrick DielMcCageSophia TanPo Bidau Lyborick KhunKhun Hynd LuchLo Po Bia DokokoArlen GraceVLo Po Bia LefavKaraka2nd Floor Unnamed RulerTu Perie TperieUnnamed Three Mouthed GiantLo Po Bia YorayoAriaUnnamed Black Skin Division CommanderLo Po Bia Whitegarment WidowLo Po Bia YorariLo Po Bia PudidyLo Po Bia PerseusLo Po Bia KirinLo Po Bia KukokoLo Po Bia LedodoLo Po Bia ElbabaLo Po Bia LobadonLo Po Bia GoruroLo Po Bia UmtitiPo Bidau GuiscardPo Bidau ProustPo Bidau ErnoPo Bidau HugoPo Bidau RuiniPo Bidau DumasLo Po Bia JuLo Po Bia TumpLo Po Bia WuiwuiLo Po Bia RashutPo Bidau KirPo Bidau RichemontLo Po Bia KatanLo Po Bia KukudaPo Bidau MichelLo Po Bia PerperPo Bidau VaraneLo Po Bia PokokoGarnakUnnamed Po BidauPo Bidau Tiara
AiHwa RyunYuto
Unknown Position
Unknown Position
PhantaminumAnak Zahard (Original)Alphid ZahardMolic One P. GRAugusgusMs. Ice StrawberryMs. Ice Strawberry's PartnerYujeNomaJoochunYunie ZahardRebecca Pon ZahardHeice ZahardYuram ZahardArie Hagipherione ZahardPondo ZahardAn ZahardBaylord YamaImortFUG RankerAri HanWhitePokenHa RudaLo Po Bia PorpQuadradoGrand De JahGrand De SahRed BrubyaTinker YolcheKnife (Ranker)H-23Ha CheonheeMisebichiHollyGrommDeath BirdKhul Nissam KayDeath KarambitJayKhun Royale ElliotPowlerWater JellyPephomemore SetoCanzonGadoCuldenBaylord PaulBaylord DoomKhel HellamVentiTallGrandeRed HornAshul EdwaruFluxRMuleBerdychFUG Ranker 2Unnamed Po BidauKahlerLo Po Bia FucileTinker RocheR's TwinTu RahTonkiDaleetKhaneLo Po Bia Ha SatchaLo Po Bia HaratchaNanatonaPanMr. NeonbagArlen GraceV2nd Floor Unnamed RulerLo Po Bia YorayoYellowUnnamed Three Mouthed GiantAriaUnnamed Black Skin Division CommanderGreen Hair ServantLo Po Bia SicariusLo Po Bia Whitegarment WidowLo Po Bia YorariLobiBaylord Wang WangLo Po Bia KukokoLo Po Bia LedodoNen NeyaPo Bidau BellerirHelmet ServantPo Bidau TiaraPo Bidau GuiscardPo Bidau HugoPo Bidau RuiniPo Bidau NubilsLo Po Bia KatanLo Po Bia KukudaPo Bidau MichelPo Bidau VaraneGarnak
Races or Species
Humanoid Races
Yung ChangsooUchaBel BerhinoBero BeroBlarouseDédé KanchoBoroHong ChunhwaJuglom GoteLo Po Bia ElaineNovickKhun RanReflejoYeon YihwaGreen PhilDes LionKonQuaetro BlitzQuant BlitzJaina Repellista ZahardArie HonKhun Aguero AgnisKhun EduanLo Po Bia AlphineDavid HockneyHa JinsungHa Yuri ZahardYu Han SungZahardHaxNomaYu Bok-DolAleksai AmigochazAmagutaAppleAri Bright SharonArie InietaHa ChaiHa CheonheeHa RudaHa YurinArlen GraceHana YuVGoonGaram ZahardAdori ZahardGreyHanool KangHatsuBelluxHollyHon AkraptorHong DanhwaHoshiHyun ChungInoa YoranBoondawanBulgasarioBrugelJa WangnanChaCharlieChichiKal RahimKang HoryangKallavanKatraDaniel HatchidKehellmanKellKendrick DielKhaneKhul Nissam KayKhun AA's MotherKhun HachulingDedeKhun Hynd LuchKhun KiseiaKhun Marco AsensioKhun Maria ZahardKhun MaschennyKhun Maschenny ZahardDoraDorian FrogEdin DanKim LurkerPrinceYeo MisengYeo GosengKoerErik BiyonEurasia BlossomEurasia Enne ZahardPhonsekal DrakPhonsekal LaurePhonsekal IrureKurudanLee SowaLee SoyongLee XiawunFUG RankerFelixFull BlackFUG Ranker 2Yeon YirangYeon IlardeYeon WoonYeongsukRed HairRed BeardYuryuYuni SonaPoro PoePurple Eye BrothersXia LuluYellowYuliu MataTinker YolcheYolkerTinker RochePo Bidau GustangWhite/AnnaWhite/AlbeldaWhite/DavidWhite/HoaqinPhonsekal YurureWhite/VicentePanditWhitePedroVariel VaniVerdiUnnamed Khun (Hell Train)Unnamed Po BidauNavigatorUrek MazinoTravellerToroTwenty-Fifth BaamToulalanMisebichiMichaelMs. Ice StrawberryMauchiMachaMahanSophia AmaeStuah ArthurSunwoo NareLo Po Bia RenLo Po Bia Shilial ZahardLo Po Bia Lilial ZahardLo Po Bia PorpShip LeesooShopinSachi FakerSerena RinnenRyuaRoyal ParkRozéalRidongRocitane EgelRodniRoen YuiaLegLeo CloakerLeon 3Lero-RoRyu-AhnBeniamino CassanoBetaDea FlukeTochiBullbackWalkinRujonPo Bidau Lyborick KhunSophia TanJourdanUnnamed Commander 1Unnamed Captain 1The Boss"Enemy" 1TinBruceSolaNamoUnnamed Khun (Aguero's Sister)Scarhead BaldyGunner GirlUnnamed Black Skin Division CommanderAkraptor's DaughterGreen Hair ServantLo Po Bia PudidyLo Po Bia PerseusLo Po Bia ElbabaKhun Devo FerezLo Po Bia HolanLo Po Bia YoolPo Bidau BellerirPo Bidau Matte HaPo Bidau EnverPo Bidau RagmaPo Bidau LouLo Po Bia LauraDravyHwingya EpoIlnak RopalLo Po Bia KeoyeopHemus LimeRokuLo Po Bia GoruroLo Po Bia UmtitiPo Bidau GuiscardPo Bidau ErnoPo Bidau HugoPo Bidau RuiniPo Bidau NubilsLo Po Bia JuLo Po Bia TumpLo Po Bia WuiwuiLo Po Bia RashutLo Po Bia PerperPo Bidau VaraneLo Po Bia KatanLo Po Bia PokokoAmizuRatna GrahJadeUnnamed Revolution Member 1
All Canines
Grey Skin Bull Horns
Reptilians Feature
Insects Feature
Animalistic Races
Bird Feature
Unusual Races
Unknown Races