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The Ha Family (하 가문, Ha Gamun) is one of the 10 Great Families lead by Ha Yurin.


Ha Yurin had twins with another Great Family leader, Ari Han, yet they never married.[2] Staying unmarried--although she had many other relationships since--she never gave birth again.

Because of this, the Ha Family does not have many branch families and the main branch of the family is centered around Yurin's two daughters.[2] However, the two daughters do not have a friendly relationship and each claims to be the rightful heir to the family. Because of this, even within the Ha Family, there is a not-so-small quarrel about this matter.[2]

With the birth of Ha Yuri Zahard who ultimately became one of Zahard's Princesses and greatly resembles family head Yurin, the Ha Family have placed their family's faith in Yuri, hoping that she would collect the remaining 13 Month Series.[2] Because of this, Yuri's sobriquet (Black Snake Head) takes after her great-grandmother’s (Snake Head).

Within the family, Ha Yurin's presence as the head is more symbolic, and she rarely governs the clan herself.[2]

Powers and Abilities[]

Body Reinforcement[]

Main article: Body Reinforcement

The members of the Ha Family are known for their reputation of having incredible physical strength. According to Ha Jinsung, the younger generation contributed greatly to this so-called reputation "thick skin" because they tend to use their bodies like "sandbags" without using any real skills. In truth the Ha Family is actually specialized in martial arts techniques.[3]

Known Members[]

High Rankers[]



Known Branch Families[]

  • Hayeol (possibly)

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Ha Yurin is like a god within the Ha Family but she rarely engages in outside activities.
  • Ha is also a real-life Korean last name.
  • According to SIU the family trait of the Ha Family is that they are machos.[5]
  • Although not confirmed, it is assumed that "Hayeol" (하열, hayeol) may be the branch family that Novick originates from.
  • Like the Yeon Family, it is said that the Ha Family is matriarchal.[6]
  • The Ha Family and Khun Family don't have a good relationship.[7]
  • According to Arie Hon, the Ha, and Khun Family are the only ones who can compare to his own family.[8] Ha Jinsung confirmed it, those three are the strongest when it come to military power.[9]
  • SIU had stated that he personally like the Ha Family. They have this sense of "No matter what, charge forward" mentally, and feel more human than the other 10 Great Families. Of course, their physical capacity is extremely unhuman.[10]
  • In Ha Family, the children of family head own children are treated with the same respect as for the direct descendents. Like in Yuri's case, she is the direct descendent of two family head, and it is like a super DNA.[11]
  • Po Bidau Matte Ha is a Ranker working as the prison guard for the Ark of Knowledge, implying that his main allegiance is with the Po Bidau Family.
  • The Ha Family are also noted to be the direct descendants of Ari Han, the family head of the Ari Family. This is due to him having had a relationship with Ha Yurin and had twin daughters, her only children, with her despite not marrying her.[2]
    • Due to this, all Ha Family descendants also have the Ari Family Blood in them. Furthermore, as Yurin’s twin daughters are fighting each other to be her one true heir, the Ari Family is know to get mixed up with the Ha Family conflicts due to being the Twin’s paternal relatives. [2]
  • It seems that girls are rarely born into the family.[12]
  • Finalists of the Ha Family Sparring Tournament get to see their Family Head. Otherwise regular Ha Family members have no opportunity to meet their Family Head.[13]



Zahard Empire
Military & Government
King of The Tower
Royal Guards
Arvin LouTommyRobert AisandPan • Bird-Masked Man
Zahard Family
Ha Family
Special Families
‎‎Devote to Zahard