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Floral Butterfly Piercing Technique (화접 공파술, Hwajeop Gongpahsool) is an immensely strong Shinsu technique that allows one to transfer a shock of Shinsu through vibrations from oneself to a targeted object, vibrating the target's inner Shinsu and destroying it from within. The effects of a simple touch are catastrophic. It has been noted that the technique takes decades to learn.[2]


Floral Butterfly Piercing Technique is a very destructive "Damage Technique" (타격술 (打擊術), tahgyeoksool). Once the user's body is in contact with the opponent's, they forcefully "reverse-flow control" the flow of Shinsu in the opponent's body by accelerating the flow of Shinsu inside the user's own body. Then, the user "flow controls" the returning shock inside their own body to protect them from the backlash. It's considered to be a dangerous technique that destroys everything in contact within the user's body while leaving them completely unharmed.[5]

It is only taught to FUG members and it seems that this particular style of fighting is a trait of the FUG organization. In other words, this is FUG signature technique.

Alternate Translation[]

Official Translations[]

  • Flare Wave Explosion (LINE)

The Company fan translations[]

  • Floral Butterfly Pierce Shatter Technique
  • Floral Butterfly Destruction Technique



Shinsu Techniques
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Fighting Techniques
Beam CannonCut Fast BallDeadly LightningDemon Moon ShadowDragon's BreathEléctrica PerlaRed Velvet SwordPhantom Sword of the DeadNecromancerMaschenny Style: Lightning Spear TechniqueMaelstromLightning StrikeLanza de RelámpagoGrand Espada de la LuzGrand Eléctrica PerlaFlame of the DeadEspada GrandeEspada de la LuzStraight-Line Long PierceThird Shadow: Death Moon ShadowWaves of Peacock WingsWhite Style: Spirit SwordYu Han Sung StyleRose ShowerChiffon SwordIncandescent BombGolden BombOrb - Rapid-Fire Shinsu CannonOrb - Endless SkyGolden Needle from Mystery IslandMontana AzulDawn of LightningGiant's Lightning SpearIncinerating Flame of DeathIncinerating Splash of the DeadGreat Spear of DawnTres CuernosDeathly Sword of Heavenly Spirits - White MagnoliaMarine Fairy SwordsEndless SkyRapid-Fire Shinsu CannonRaging RapidsOrb - ShinwonryuFlower GardenDeathly Sword of Crimson SpiritsSword of Purple SoulstormDemon Slayer - Eight Strikes MassacreSapphire Single Shot Deadly Sword of LightDiverging Deathly Swords of Heavenly SpiritDeadly Spirit - White MagnoliaSeven Blood Spirit BladeTwenty-Fifth Baam StyleHeavenly LightTormenta LanzaLanzas PequeñasPanorama LightJungle MonsterJungle Angry MonsterGreen Beasts Swimming Through The River of Death
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