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I can't... Stop this... It's like a natural disaster.

Elpathion about Evankhell[3]


Not much has been revealed concerning Evankhell, except that she killed the former Ruler who belonged to a Great Family and took ownership of the Second Floor.[4] Before she was a mercenary, that's how she met Yu Han Sung.[5] As she doesn't belong to a Great Family, she is not part of the Ruling Class and it is unknown why she has agreed to the complex testing system on the Second Floor.

Tower of God: Part 1[]

During the events of The Floor of Test, Evankhell had to depart from her floor due to work,[6] leaving all duties regarding testing the Regulars to her appointed Test Director, Yu Han Sung.

Tower of God: Part 2 - The Hell Train[]

The Hell Train: Three Orders[]

Evankhell unexpectedly appeared on her floor, just before Yu Han Sung was about to be executed for his role in fabricating the apparent demise of Twenty-Fifth Baam several years ago. Intimidatingly telling Zahard's messenger to piss off or die, Evankhell's attention was directed to Kallavan's subordinates. Intrigued by their ability to withstand her attacks, Evankhell got ready to assault them using her ancient power when the Second Floor Guardian suddenly appeared and told her and Yu Han Sung that they were fired from their Second Floor positions before warping them away.

Tower of God: Part 2 - The Last Station[]

The Last Station[]

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After Evankhell and Yu Hansung got teleported by the Second Floor Guardian, they notice they are at Karaka's Heart. After a while they encounter one of Karaka's minion, Death Bird, who was worried there may have been intruders coming in the special dimension holding Karaka's Heart. Death Bird was glad that Evankhell was Yu Hansung's companion, and then introduces itself as a shadow that is ordered to kill any intruders there. Evankhell and Yu Hansung are the first people to enter the magical space created by Karaka's Armor, which cuts off from the outside so no one can enter except Karaka and the administrators. Evankhell told Death Bird she was not interested in Karaka's Heart and she just wanted to know why they got sent there. She assumes maybe something happened to Karaka. Then a warp gate opens displaying Zahard's Army going to the Last Station, and Death Bird says it opens whenever Karaka's in danger. Evankhell now knows why the Second Floor Guardian sent them there and quickly moved along with Karaka's Minions.



After arriving at the Last Station she was immediately attacked by a half-moon blade weapon from a Ranker, but she effortlessly stopped the attack with just two fingers and then obliterates his weapon.

Since Kay's weapon broke, he reinforced his hands with shinsu and proceeds to charge at Evankhell, but then she sent Kay flying with a flick of her wrist and burned Kay's servant saying they're not worthy to be on the same battlefield against her. Causing havoc in the last station, Elpathion and Sharon along with other rankers nearby, appeared before her, telling her to stop. That didn't convince Evankhell, so it led to a fight between Evankhell and the rankers of Zahard's Army. During the fight, Sharon managed to break Evankhell's weapon with Evankhell even complimenting Sharon that she can pack a punch. In the middle of the fight, Evankhell remembers a past where she first met Yu Han Sung, asking him what is he afraid of, and in response, he said he fears the rage within him fading away. Evankhell then releases a partial fraction of her ancient power, and easily melting/killing rankers and pushing back Elpathion and Sharon with Elpathion saying her power is unstoppable just like a natural disaster.


As Evankhell is burning the army, she says it is about time for the Dangerous One to step in. Elliot said he was trying to stay out of the battle but Evankhell was causing way too much disturbance and says he'll kill Evankhell if she caused any more trouble. The appearance of the 44th Ruler made all members of the army step away to let him handle Evankhell because Elpathion said he isn't the kind of person to care about friendly-fire anyways.


The 44th Floor Ruler appears to confront Evankhell

Evankhell lets her flame out and is ready to fight back saying it is not time for her to leave yet. The shockwaves from both Ruler's clash was so strong, it was difficult for even Elpathion to contain it from spreading. Then suddenly, Kallavan appeared out of nowhere and surprise everyone on the battlefield including Evankhell. When Kallavan appeared, Evankhell said they now have one more threat to deal with.

As Kallavan is about to charge at Baam, Evankhell quickly appeared in front of Kallavan with a burst of flame. Kallavan asked about her fight with the other Ruler and she said they weren't really fighting to kill each other. Kallavan was confused with Evankhell's intention of helping some random regulars as a Top 100 Ranker. Evankhell says she wasn't interested at the Regular at first until she notices a minor wound that was inflicted by Baam's strongest attack. Evankhell now understands why Yu Hansung has such high hope for Baam and imagines how much stronger he'll be after more training.

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Evankhell is about to finish off the remaining members of the army.

Evankhell tells Kallavan to stop, but Kallavan insists to kill Baam. Evankhell acknowledges Kallavan for being strong but thinks he cannot handle herself, Ha Yuri Zahard and Karaka together. Kallavan decided to charge head-on, which shocked Evankhell and yelled if he was out of his mind. Evankhell praises Kallavan saying he really is tough and prepares her Death Sentence attack which was enough to cause Kallavan to scream in pain until he breaks free using Atomic Explosion. The explosion shocked everybody, but Baam was able to escape in time by teleport with the help of Yu Hansung, Ship Leesoo, and other rankers.

New Wave[]

Afterwards, Evankhell finishes off the remaining army and retreats to the Last Station. While she was going to the Last Station, she talked with Yu Hansung, and he said Evankhell seems to be 'Enthusiastic'. Evankhell said Baam got her interested and wants to train him as her student. Evankhell finally meets Baam, and she said he looks droopy like a jellyfish in warm shinsu. She said Baam is different from the other irregulars who are monsters like Urek Mazino. Evankhell introduces herself to Baam and said she noticed Baam's usage of the orb. She tells Baam to be her student so he can become stronger and get revenge of Kallavan. In exchange, Baam will have to go through hell for a few years. After Baam made he decision, he asks Evankhell to be his master so he can hunt down Kallavan.

Tower of God: Part 3[]

Deng Deng[]


Evankhell explaining the training to Baam

Right after the battle at the Last Station, Evankhell followed Karaka and White to Madoraco's ghost ship. During the meeting, Karaka did all the talking and Evankell sat around yawning. Evankhell goes back to Baam and begins to train him. She showed Baam a list of 'Battlefields' written around her Pocket, and says she ordered those battlefields of the level of difficulty. For each level Baam completes, Evankhell says she'll teach Baam something at that level. Evankhell restricts Baam's usage of Black March and his Thorn in order to train his basic skills. Evankhell wanted to confirm again if Baam is ready for the brutal training. Which Baam then agrees to do it, and their training begins.


Evankhell along with Yu Han Sung was inside a high-speed warship heading to where Baam is. She and Hansung then encounter a mysterious man and woman claiming they would stop their path.

The man introduces himself as an Elder of FUG and is here to stop Evankhell and her companion from any more recklessness. The Elder points his bow and arrow and fires it saying it would point to her path of destiny.

Baylord Doom[]

When Evankhell uses her flame and blasts it at the FUG Elder, he easily pierced through the flames with the arrow he shot. The arrow would keep going in a circle and Yu Han Sung noted they are pointing a path. The Elder leaves both Evankhell and Yu Han Sung trapped between the arrows to go to the cage and kill the Slayer Candidate and bring down Baylord Yama to elect a new Slayer. As the Elder is leaving, he tells Evankhell she isn't the only one with the powers of the Ancient.

King of the Dogs[]

Both Evankhell and Yu Han Sung would return to their original location no matter which way they go because of the Elder's arrows which were redirecting them. The clueless Evankhell decided to just try and use her 'Special' flames to burn shinsu itself. She explains the Yeon Family received two types of flames. A flame capable of burning anything and a flame capable of saving anything, they are called Primeval Flames.

Yu Han Sung noted the Elder used a path which an arrow pointed to and told Evankhell to burn all the paths so eventually there would be a path that will point in a straight line right to where the Elder went. After finding the path the Elder used, Evanhell burned the other paths and followed the straight path the Elder used.

Khel Hellam[]

After arriving at the cage, the woman who was with the Elder was surprised and confused to see them and she thought she blocked all other paths leading to the cage. Evankhell then leaves Yu Han Sung to deal with the Witch to go find the Elder. While searching for the Elder, Evankhell notices a spear.

Evankhell tried to call Baam through the use of the Pocket wasn't able to get an answer and instead, she called Khun Aguero Agnis. Evankhell asks Khun to tell her the coordinates of the Elder so she can hit the Elder with the Ancient Spear. After a quick moment, Khun quickly found of coordinates and told Evankhell to do it. The throw was successful and pierced through the Elder's waist. After the Elder was down, she immediately went over to where the fight is. Yama was surprised to see Evankhell, then the Elder unleashes his Ancient powers to try to take out both Evankhell and Yama.


A giant tree-like attack appears from the power of the Elder's Ancient. The attack was as large as the entire cage itself. Although Evankhell and Yama blocked the attack, the cage was damaged, and the Elder was preparing another attack again. Evankhell unleashes her Ancient powers as well to deal with the Ancient while she told Yama to deal with the Elder. During the battle, the Elder used an ability to send Yama to another location, Evankhell was shocked to see Yama disappeared instantly.

The Wall of Peaceful Coexistence[]

After the battle with the Elder, Evankhell asked where did Khel Hellam send Yama and also wonders why the Elder kept mentioning about a 'Battlefield' somewhere. The Elder then offered his help to send Baam and his companions to the battlefield, Evankhell seemed suspicious the Elder's offer. Baam decided to go to the Wall of Peaceful Coexistence with the Elder's help, and everyone went together to where Kallavan is while Evankhell goes with the Canines to save Yama.

After appearing, Yama was seen beaten down against the 5th Army Corp Commander, Lo Po Bia Yasratcha. The plan to send the Canines to save Yama backfired because Yasratcha was able to mind-control the Canine race. Evankhell wanted to attack Yasratcha directly but the commander sent the Canine people in front of him so Evankhell had to kill the Canines in order to attack Yasratcha.


Yama was blocked off by his own Canine people and had to kill them if he wanted to attack Yasratcha, however, Evankhell came up with an idea. Evankhell made her orb burned brightly to temporarily blind the Canine so Yama has an opening to attack Yasratcha directly. Yama then went for the commander, both of them collided but Yama was immediately heavily injured. Yama said he was at his limit. The rest of the 5th Army Corp arrived to assist its commander.

The Nest[]

The 5th Army Corp received order from HQ to retreat after the completion of the mission but before they leave, Yasratcha ordered the Canine race to kill each other and had Canzon to blast himself on the head ultimately killing himself. Evankhell had to hold Yama back from him doing anything rash. Evankhell was disgusted by the commander's cowardly actions.


Evankhell flanks the army from the side

After witnessing over half the Canine people wiped out, Evankhell never imagined anything like that could happen and said Zahard is very powerful to be able to play around with someone like Khel Hellam, a FUG Elder.

After a while, Evankhell noticed Baam disappeared in the middle of the night and immediately called Yama to say Baam went to fight a Ranker at the Ranker Administration Office. Evankhell later tells Yama that Baam went to The Nest. After Baam arrives at the Nest, the Army was suddenly ambushed from both sides with Evankhell appearing on the right side of the pincer attack.

Evankhell, seeing no opening in the second wall, attempts to attack it but was thwarted by the Fourth Corps, with Elpathion stating that this time the whole squad is on full defensive mode and with his Lighthouses combined with defence ships, even Evankhell won't be able to break through alone but Evankhell just laughed at him for believing his threats could scare her and battled them.

The Intrusion[]

As she fought against the Corps, Evankhell saw Lo Po Bia Dokoko pressuring Doom and Paul and was about to help them when she was challenged by Lo Po Bia Didiano, who mocked her for losing her post as Ruler and ranking among the top 100 High Rankers, much to her outrage, especially since Didiano was only an Advanced Ranker and still had the nerve to challenge her a High Ranker.

A Rough War[]

During the fight against Didiano, Evankhell's flames are only dividing more and more of the monkey's faeces, bouncing all over the place. After seeing the army's interesting battle tactics, Evankhell remembered a past where Yu Hansung would promise Evankhell interesting and meaningful battles. Afterwards, Evankhell unleashes All-Consuming Flames, which burns the monkey's faeces so quickly, it didn't have time to divide. She unleashes three orbs and easily one-shot Khul Nissam Kay once again. Evankhell mentioned that High-Rankers in the Top 300 who couldn't defeat another High-Ranker with similar rankings will never reach the top. She summons the fourth orb while calling the Army Corps foolish to attack her without the Army Corps Commander.


An enraged Evankhell after decompressing

After hearing Baam encountered Kallavan, Evankhell had to hurry and she starts heading towards the team. While on her way, she encounters Elpathion who tried to stop her with his Crystal Mirror Room which didn't even last ten seconds. Evankhell pierced Elpathion's stomach with her sword but then she was almost killed by a sniper. She managed to throw off the bullet's trajectory with her flames while making it looked like a successful hit to keep the sniper's guard down. As soon as that bullet hit Evankhell, she knew where it came from. Evankhell finally decompresses her body as she couldn't take it anymore in which she transformed into a much larger and muscular form.

VS. Kallavan[]

Evankhell tried looking for the sniper, however, the sniper was nowhere to be seen. She knows the sniper has a limit since it is such a strong ability. She asks David Hockney and Ship Leesoo about the information on the sniper, Hockney was unsure but Leesoo believes the sniper is moving debris around to hide.


Evankhell meets the the sniper

Leesoo sends the information to Hockney's lighthouse and immediately finds the sniper's exact location. Before Evankhell goes in, they told her that Khun has a plan. Evankhell finds a teleporter and alined it behind her when she charges into the sniper's hideout. The sniper shot at Evankhell but missed because she was able to react with the help of an Observer. That bullet went into the teleporter and exited out of Khun's lighthouses and kill Dokoko and the Windbird. Evanhell then charges into the sniper's hideout at high speeds using her flames to boost herself.

When Evankhell charges into the hideout, the sniper had crab-like Shinheuhs in a fishbowl that protected her from Evankhell. The hideout was actually the fishbowl which Evankhell realized why the sniper insisted on staying inside. However, Evankhell told the sniper that the 4th Army Corps has already surrendered. Lo Po Bia Lefav, the sniper, asks Evankhell to spare her in exchange for information regarding The Nest.

