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King Zahard's Deadly Weapon No.9 - El Robina is one of many Anti-High Ranker Weapon in Zahard's possession.


El robina

The Red Floating Ship that carry El Robina

El Robina is a weapon used to annihilate High Rankers. This deadly weapon was installed on board of a large red Floating Ship with unusual design.[1] This super weapon was used on Ha Jinsung with Zahard's permission to show that the King of the Tower is serious to start a war.

Appearances and Design[]

El Robina Shinsu Cannon appear to be very huge and long like a stone pillar structure. The cannon muzzle of El Robina seems to be built with bright pink glass. There are several complex cables at the neck of the cannon muzzle.


Tower of God: Part 2 - The Hell Train[]

The Hell Train: Three Orders[]

After King Zahard

The Last Station: Kallavan[]

Kallavan warship locked down

El Robina Shinsu Cannon aim towards the squadron

After receiving secret information from Maschenny in their conversation during the 'fake fight' that Kallavan, the Army Corp Commander of the 4th Army Corp was ordered to kill the Irregular Twenty-Fifth Baam on the Last Station, Jinsung quickly ignored all Zahard's Army troops on the 91st Floor and took over one of high speed Floating Ship in order to Warp quickly into lower Floors.[2] However, Jinsung didn't go to the Last Station but he went straight into the path of Kallavan Warship and blocking the way. When Kallavan tried to ignore Jinsung's presence, Jinsung ordered a robot called Byuwen to bring out the shinsu cannon of El Robina that stole and threatened Kallavan that he will fire El Robina to annihilate Kallavan's squadron.[3]

Kallavan warship destroyed

Kallavan warship destroyed.png

Short story, Jinsung failed to stop Kallavan because he was exhausted and stabbed from behind by Maschenny's sneak attack. Jinsung then had no choice but to ordered Byuwen to fire El Robina towards Kallavan Warship as the last resort to stop Kallavan from reaching the Last Station. Entire Squadron and Warships was destroyed by El Robina, but in that last seconds, Kallavan managed to reach the chamber of Shinsu Warp Device inside the ship and instantly Warped to The Last Station.

Powers and Abilities[]


El Robina shoot Jinsung

When El Robina shoot its cannon to attack Ha Jinsung, it only manages to sprain his wrist. This indicates that El Robina probably cannot kill Top 100 High Rankers. El Robina most likely can kill High Ranker below Top 100 and turned them into dust.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Zahard seems to value his collections such as El Robina and was stated by Ha Jinsung that it isn't like him to break out one of his weapons that he cares about to attack Ha Jinsung.

Image Gallery[]



Unclassified Items
Hidden Floor Items
Workshop Technology
Devices Section
Unclassified Device
Weapons Section
Basic Weapons
SpearHookSwordWandShinsu BombNeedleShield
Unclassified Weapons
Floating Ship