Tower of God Wiki
Tower of God Wiki
This article contains information about one of the Leech Guardian that protects the Floor of Death.

Watchmen (탐색병, Tamsaegbyeong, "Seekers", "Explorers") is a giant humanoid creature on the Tower that lived on the Floor of Death as "microorganisms" of the decayed body of the 43rd Floor Guardian.[2] They are part of the Gatekeepers System which prevent intruders from entering the Floor of Death.

Appearance and Design[]

Watchmen is a very tall, giant humanoid muscular creature with weird looking head that looks like The Bull Shinheuh, except with two eyes and two pointy ears, which is more like Anubis. Their neck and lower body part (from waist to foot) was covered with black fur. They have grey skin and three red claws.

Powers and Abilities[]

The Watchmen is relatively strong, but they can be defeated by strong Regulars like Princess Androssi Zahard. They aren't immortal like the Stag Beetles.

When a Watchmen or an Explorer gets killed, there is a "Light Bulb" that will come out from inside their body in order to buy time for the Eye Bugs to pinpoint the location of the intruders, which then calls the Stag Beetles Gatekeeper to the enemies’ location to support the Watchmen.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Yuliu Mata controlled one Watchmen creature. He called it "Manyleg". Mata can drive and control his Watchmen around to patrol or fight.
  • The giant bugs will continue coming up on the Floor of Death. Since the Floor of Death is largely composed of a decomposing corpse, and corpses have bugs, so one of the settings is that they have lots of bugs.[2]




Special Characters
Unspecified Status
(Ranker or Regular)
Sentient Creatures
Special Terms
Under Guardians Exception
By Locations
Hell Train
Train Staff
ChaDaleetDoraDowonKal RahimKatraKehellmanKhaneKoerTebTonkiToro
Artificial Characters
ByuwenEmileFluxHigh-Leech MonkMadMaiMaxMay
Races or Species
Humanoid Races
Yung ChangsooUchaBel BerhinoBero BeroBlarouseDédé KanchoBoroHong ChunhwaJuglom GoteLo Po Bia ElaineNovickKhun RanReflejoYeon YihwaGreen PhilDes LionKonQuaetro BlitzQuant BlitzJaina Repellista ZahardArie HonKhun Aguero AgnisKhun EduanLo Po Bia AlphineDavid HockneyHa JinsungHa Yuri ZahardYu Han SungZahardHaxNomaYu Bok-DolAleksai AmigochazAmagutaAppleAri Bright SharonArie InietaHa ChaiHa CheonheeHa RudaHa YurinArlen GraceHana YuVGoonGaram ZahardAdori ZahardGreyHanool KangHatsuBelluxHollyHon AkraptorHong DanhwaHoshiHyun ChungInoa YoranBoondawanBulgasarioBrugelJa WangnanChaCharlieChichiKal RahimKang HoryangKallavanKatraDaniel HatchidKehellmanKellKendrick DielKhaneKhul Nissam KayKhun AA's MotherKhun HachulingDedeKhun Hynd LuchKhun KiseiaKhun Marco AsensioKhun Maria ZahardKhun MaschennyKhun Maschenny ZahardDoraDorian FrogEdin DanKim LurkerPrinceYeo MisengYeo GosengKoerErik BiyonEurasia BlossomEurasia Enne ZahardPhonsekal DrakPhonsekal LaurePhonsekal IrureKurudanLee SowaLee SoyongLee XiawunFUG RankerFelixFull BlackFUG Ranker 2Yeon HanaYeon IlardeYeon WoonYeongsukRed HairRed BeardYuryuYuni SonaPoro PoePurple Eye BrothersXia LuluYellowYuliu MataTinker YolcheYolkerTinker RochePo Bidau GustangWhite/AnnaWhite/AlbeldaWhite/DavidWhite/HoaqinPhonsekal YurureWhite/VicentePanditWhitePedroVariel VaniVerdiUnnamed Khun (Hell Train)Unnamed Po BidauNavigatorUrek MazinoTravellerToroTwenty-Fifth BaamToulalanMisebichiMichaelMs. Ice StrawberryMauchiMachaMahanSophia AmaeStuah ArthurSunwoo NareLo Po Bia RenLo Po Bia Shilial ZahardLo Po Bia Lilial ZahardLo Po Bia PorpShip LeesooShopinSachi FakerSerena RinnenRyuaRoyal ParkRozéalRidongRocitane EgelRodniRoen YuiaLegLeo CloakerLeon 3Lero-RoRyu-AhnBeniamino CassanoBetaDea FlukeTochiBullbackWalkinRujonPo Bidau Lyborick KhunSophia TanJourdanUnnamed Commander 1Unnamed Captain 1The Boss"Enemy" 1TinBruceSolaNamoUnnamed Khun (Aguero's Sister)Scarhead BaldyGunner GirlUnnamed Black Skin Division CommanderAkraptor's DaughterGreen Hair ServantLo Po Bia PudidyLo Po Bia PerseusLo Po Bia ElbabaKhun Devo FerezLo Po Bia HolanLo Po Bia YoolPo Bidau BellerirPo Bidau Matte HaPo Bidau EnverPo Bidau RagmaPo Bidau LouPo Bidau TiaraLo Po Bia LauraDravyHwingya EpoIlnak RopalLo Po Bia KeoyeopHemus LimeRokuLo Po Bia GoruroLo Po Bia UmtitiPo Bidau GuiscardPo Bidau ErnoPo Bidau HugoPo Bidau RuiniPo Bidau NubilsLo Po Bia JuLo Po Bia TumpLo Po Bia WuiwuiLo Po Bia RashutLo Po Bia PerperPo Bidau VaraneLo Po Bia KatanLo Po Bia Pokoko
All Canines
Grey Skin Bull Horns
Reptilians Feature
Insects Feature
Animalistic Races
Bird Feature
Unusual Races
Unknown Races
WatchmenRhino Monster